Line up Changes

Mr Samsara

Misanthropic Moderator
Jul 9, 2004
Carrying a Burden Inside
Man... Trying to keep up w/ IE's lineup changes is making me dizzy. Looks like Rob is not in the band anymore? What's the story with that? I didn't really see anything officially posted on the website, but all the band pics don't have him in them. I searched the forum and don't find anything, but maybe I'm searching under the wrong criteria. What's the real story?

Thanks all...
it's unfortunately true.. things change, people change, issues occur, line-up changes happen... Rob didn't play on the new album anymore :(
But I don't think there will be an official statement about it anymore, because apparently they want to keep things private. I think Collin (who filled in at the last minute at the metalfest and Gamma Ray shows) will do the upcoming tours as well. I don't know if he wants or is going to be a regular member in the future.
what a new!! rob is out ? I can't believe it, it is very sad (but true ?)
I want an official statement it's too important, rob was there since the beginning, it will be hard to replace him
Yeah, I was kinda surprised that no one made an official statement or really commented when Blabbermouth posted that a while back. They don't need to get into details if they want to keep it personal, but Rob was a pretty steady member of the band and they probably should make some kind of brief statement mentioning his departure.
this is so damn sad :( I was shocked when I heard it... JF from Kataklysm told me the sad news at Metalcamp when I asked him how Rob was (I always do so since Rob means a lot to me, he helped me through so many bad things and I wont forget that)... I hope nothing bad happened and I wish him all the best! damn, I hope I will see him ever again :cry:
Didn't really surprise me much...I mean, I've seen IE at the origional first lineup...they get a new member yearly. It was just a matter of time.
I personally don't like remarks like that.. it's not exactly their wish to have it like that, but there are so many factors involved with keeping a line-up together that you can't avoid changes when you're a touring band that can't live off that.

NightSoul: Rob was not a member since the beginning, he joined around the time they recorded BIO. But yeah, big shoes to fill ...
Rob is out...

Collin Craig is doing the upcoming tour and is on a couple of the tracks on the new album...from jazz to blues to R&B to metal the man can flat out play
Marlies said:
I personally don't like remarks like that.. it's not exactly their wish to have it like that, but there are so many factors involved with keeping a line-up together that you can't avoid changes when you're a touring band that can't live off that.

NightSoul: Rob was not a member since the beginning, he joined around the time they recorded BIO. But yeah, big shoes to fill ...

Uh, it wassn't a bad remark at all. I was just simply stating something that seems to be true. I'm fully aware of the factors. Chris left due to money issues, and so far he's been my fav. singer in the band. I'm not being rude, or trying to be rude at was just a genral statement which seems to hold true since every year somone sadly finds out they can't continue with the band. Gosh, it's not like I enjoy the fact they go through so many members.
My apologies then :) It seemed like that when you said it was just a matter of time. I dream that one day the line-up stays solid.. but that's probably a euthopia (like for most other bands) ;)
It sucks that money has been a big factor in the amount of lineup changes for IE, but hopefully after Gigantour they'll gain lots of new fans and the financial support they need to keep a solid lineup.