
Hehe, you guys must be proud of the raving reviews you've gotten so far.. I found the album a bit hard to digest myself , but I'll give it plenty of more listens :) Still a good release!
asgeir said:
Even on the lower quality mp3 through my computer speakers I can hear the drums quite clearly. I haven't heard to much of the album, but this person's review doesn't seem very researched, it seems like they listened to it only once and then wrote out a hasty review. "laxidasical" besides not being an english word (lackadaisical) is not the word I would use to describe Future Reminiscence.
asgeir said:

I'm afraid I have to agree with some of the points that reviewer made. However, I have to disagree with the reviewer that the band's best work is their two first albums. I like "Archaic Course", "Quintessence" and "Empiricism" the most - all masterpieces in my opinion. "Epic", however, disappointed me. Where "Empiricism's" melodies were memorable and beautiful, "Epic" seems to lack in both the direction department and the memorable riffs department. Vintersorg also sounds forced at times. And I'm not too keen on disharmony and disonnance in music. The only band I've heard that successfully pulls that off is Immolation.
Quite hard to explain, but it sometimes sounds as if the riffs aren't "clean". Also, the combination synth/guitars sounds a bit disharmonic at times. I'm not an expert in musical terms as you most probably understand. I was perhaps a bit too harsh in my previous comment too. It's by no means a 5/10 album, more a 7/10. However, I felt that Empiricism, Quintessence and The Archaic Course all were 10/10 albums.
At least the guy who gave it 5/10 didn't use "laxidasical" in his review. That made me laugh, this guy trying to intellectualy review a CD, but when criticizing the album he spelled a word completely wrong. I personally love the one song I've heard off of it.
henrikmain said:
"Epic" seems to lack in both the direction department and the memorable riffs department. Vintersorg also sounds forced at times.
I haven't got the album yet, but from the clips I've heard, I agree the Mr V's voice sounds a bit forced. I'll make my mind up when I listen to the whole thing, but I wasn't convinced about "Empiricism" either at first, and over time it grew to be probably my favourite Borknagar album, so I'm reasonably hopeful...