Liquid Tension Experiment


Dec 29, 2002
Ok, just wanted to know what you all think about LTE...
And come on.. Let's not make this a Petrucci vs. Romeo-thread ;)

*Ducks, in case of various flying objects*
The first LTE isn't that great, but the second one is pretty good. Chewbacca is the only song on the album that isn't worthy (because it's a piece of crap... in my opinion).
I'm a huge fan of both albums; they are 2 of the first "progessive"-type cds i ever owned. All 4 players are amazing on the album. I've never liked DT, and it's strange how Petrucci and Portnoy sound 10x better on LTE than on any DT album i've ever heard.
TrevJ, how can u say that Chewbacca is the one horrible track on lte2, i think its a cool change from the beginning of the album, with the slow grooving middle portion, and the two REALLY HORRIBLE tracks taht kill the album are the last two. I am an equal fan of both DT and LTE, i can tune out the vocal portions of Labrie, (which is alot), and enjoy the throngs of exellent songs that DT has written. (and you cant have anything against the instrumental DT, they're LaBrie free!)

As a whole, the albums aren't that great. A little more composition and alot less jamming would have helped. Other than Paradigm Shift, Biaxident, Acid Rain, and Levins smooth fretless, not much to listen to.
Originally posted by Ultimate_Symphony
:lol: I love the lack of vocals :grin:

Theater was my first intro into what prog metal COULD be, meanning, I hadn't heard of Sym X, or just uber kool symphonic bands like Elegy, Strat, you get the picture. Like, I love Spiral Architect. I never would of heard them if it weren't for Dream Theater. But I don't have to list all of my fav bands, so I LOVED them! It was the most awesome thing I'd ever heard... then I heard a live tape of em'. Patrucci smoked, Port rocked, Myung and Rudy, but James. Dude. Get a clue Labrie! The guy has NO range, but he still tries! I mean after a 30 minute set, wham! If he would just realise his limits. It would be a different story. Just because you can get it in the studio one good time, you know what I mean?
Yeah I know, I'm a singer myself and I know how hard it is to be in a concert singing, at least he tries. I downloaded a live clip of home and oh man I couldn't bare it :eek: I give him credit for doing his job though. I like DT, but the singing is what turns me off a little.
Yeah, you gotta give him credit. I can't sing, and I don't know what it takes. All I can do is pass judgement.

Well, not everyone can be a Russel Allen or Kahn.:(
But to be honest I while I am a huge instrumental fan, LTE leaves me a bit cold. I listening to alot of other instrumental bands these days more that LTE but I do break it out on occasions! Acid Raid , When the Water Breaks, Biaxident, Universal Mind stand out as my favs.
