Liquor Dreams Pt.3 ;)

Listening now, sounds damn good, both production-wise and song wise. Parts of it remind me of Dream Theater. The guitar sound is reminiscent of Mnemic too, at least that end pummelling does.
You are not only one who says there's Dream Theater in it.
I just love Images & Words. Under A Glass Moon has so sweet solo.

He is my god :D
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I personally would have given the rhythm guitars more low-mid end, but what you have works great too.

The rest just rocks HARD. Would love to hear a whole album full!
You are not only one who says there's Dream Theater in it.
I just love Images & Words. Under A Glass Moon has so sweet solo.

Haha, yeah I almost said it sounded similar to Images and Words, both vibe and tone, but I wasn't sure you would appreciate the comment!