Listen and tell me what you think of the bass and drum sound


Feb 8, 2006
Grenoble, FRANCE
Hey guys,

I'm currently mixing a demo of my band Stillrise in which I play drums. Tough task to mix my own band I have to say.
I worked a bit on the bass and drum tones. We recorded the bass direct (using a DI and a distortion pedal) and the guitars are 4 tracks of POD, but we kept a clean DI signal to reamp them later.
I've done two bass/drums mixes, but now I'm waiting for the "real" guitars to come before working more on the tones. What you're going to hear is just a "let's try to find something cool", not the final tones of course.

Please only take care of the bass and the drums (no toms yet), guitars are still POD so don't worry about them.


The snare is a mix of the real snare and two samples (one for the meat, one for the sustain). The kick is also a mix between the real kick drum and 2 samples.
I used differents snare samples on blast beats and snare rolls, but I'm not really happy with them yet.

My opinion : snare and bass sound better in the first mix, kick drum is less clicky and more meaty in the second one.

Let me know what you think.
To my noob ears you are right about Mix2 having a better kick - it has more meat and not so much click (but enough to be heard in the mix).

In my opinion if you could combine the kick from Mix2, but bring it up a bit more, the snare from Mix1, but bring it down a notch and then do some parallel compression for some additional overall fatness and punch, it would be cool.

What is the deal about the bass? In Mix1 it seems there is more of the distorted track mixed in, while Mix2 sounds like it has less mids. I think there is an overall difference that really affects the guitars - in Mix2 they are a bit darker, which I like, but the mix sounds a bit 'emptier'. Perhaps a balance between the two can be found?

This is just my opinion and I'm a noob, so be ye forewarned. :lol:
Ahah thanks for the input !

The levels between the drums, bass and guitars are not matched, and I gonna get the reamped tracks in a few days, should kill :)

For sure I'll keep the mix1 snare, mix2 kick and will try to get something like the mix1 bass.