Listen to my new mix plz......


Oct 31, 2005
My first run at recording last night using my new mixerless system..........i recorded @ 24-bit 96k*(I know, OVERKILL!)

I'm using a Delta 1010LT - Behringer MDX4600 - DmP3 preamp....

---Sm57 on snare
---CAD 412 on kick
---(2) Sennheiser 880 "vocal" mics for overheads LOL !
---CAD nk1 on hi hats

Rogue Bass guitar is Direct

and Ibanez MMM1 Guitar through Line6 HD147 (direct out)...double tracked.:Smug:

what do yall think ?
I like it! I think the high hat is a little to loud though. Maybe it's just me.

Edit: about that hi hat it only seems like that in the begining.
I was thinking that too.....but I think it is cause my shitty overheads picked them up too much.

I can turn my hihats mic nearly off and it just about sounded the same.

I guess thats what I get for using 880's on overheads.

But I bought two Meek Jm27's and a pair of stands for $100. Can't wait to use them for overheads.
That is great! Very Clear and In your face! The Hats seem a tad loud a the beginning. The snare seems to come through a little tight and tinny to me, but thats maybe how you want it?
Awesome guitar sound! :rock: