myplasticfriends -- near final mix


Oct 31, 2005
Here is a nearly finished mix of MPF. I'm just gonna put a few harmony parts on it and then it is off to the Mastering Suite.

Drums are :: Delta 1010LT - Behringer compressors - mAudio DMP3 Pre - JM27 overheads - sm7 snare - CAD everything else.

Guitars are :: 5150 - Maxon808 - DMP3 pre - sm57 & i5 on a v30 - Ibanez mmm1 dropA.

Clean guitars are : Line6 HD147 - Direct in......

Mixed in Adobe Audition 1.5 and after mixdown I put Waves L3 Multiband on it and that's it.

whacha think guy ?:erk:
The guitars are lacking something. The snare drum is wayyy too out there. So are the vocals. The snare needs a TON more pop bro, it sounds like someone knocking on a door. The kick drum is great though. Toms could use more slap...

I think the vocals should come down a tad, and the snare needs to be brought down a bit and give it some highs/take out some low-end/mids out of it. Guitars like I said just seem to be lacking something, can't quite put my finger on it...maybe some grit for the high-end? I dunno. Like there's a blanket over the cab or something.

Sounds alright though, not bad really. Just that snare completely overwhelms the mix...and then the vocals are even higher than that! Good luck.

is there a bass player? the guitars sound pretty good, personally i would layer them twice more to make them sound a bit bigger in the distortion department. The vocals are a smidge too loud. the snare needs a different sound or some verb, i like the toms and kicks though. It just sounds as if the drums were in a small room.
The snare is weird to my ears, but other than that the drums sound decent. I really like the 5150 guitar tone. The clean vocals seem louder than the screams and that's something you might want to check out.

The performance of your singer is the weak link IMO. I'm talking about the clean vox :erk:
I hope you don't mind me being so brutally honest, I'm just trying to help.
I would agree with everyone, i like the guitars, but the snare is almost trash canny. I would throw the RenComp on it and use the drum preset then set your threshold to taste. The clean vox need to come down but the screams are good level(i like them by the way) If you have it maybe try some pitch correction on the vox they are the only bad thing in the mix imho. Overall its really good tho, just a few odds and ends, nice job!

I would spend some more time with the vox. I second the use of some pitch correction in spots and generally i would try to eq and maybe try some different fx to try to make them pop more. My first impression when they came in was that they were dull and sort of flat sounding.
Well, I already used some pitch correction on the vox..... that is just as good as the singer is gonna get:ill:

But, maybe I will play around with the snare a bit, being as most people don't like the sound of it...... I think it kinda sounds like Korn's snare a bit.

So I should drop some EQ on the snare in the mids, and boost high end ? Maybe add the waves Studio Room reverb ? or snare trap reverb ?:hypno:
I think the guitars sound good, the drums lack a lot...the kick is nice though. The vocals don't sound very good. Lack of emotion and it just sounds like someone that doesnt really know how to sing trying to sing. I'd go for another take. The clean is also too loud like others have said.

Please fix the lol.
ThatGuitarGuy said:
Lack of emotion and it just sounds like someone that doesnt really know how to sing trying to sing. I'd go for another take.

Ya, lack of emotion. It works for a bit but then gets redundant. And then he'll sing out of key *fingernails slowly across chalkboard* -- I think the vox are mixed well though.
ApolloSpeed said:
Well, I already used some pitch correction on the vox..... that is just as good as the singer is gonna get:ill:

But, maybe I will play around with the snare a bit, being as most people don't like the sound of it...... I think it kinda sounds like Korn's snare a bit.

So I should drop some EQ on the snare in the mids, and boost high end ? Maybe add the waves Studio Room reverb ? or snare trap reverb ?:hypno:

Don't eq too much, I have gotten some really good sounds out of my snare by just using the RenComp or C1 and riding the threshhold, i rarely ever eq more than just subtractively.

Checked out the tune and did a speed skim of the thread.

Is it the same vocalist for clean and rasp?

If so, he is good at the rasp, but not up to snuff for clean.

Find a great clean singer.