Listen to Omnium Gatherum cover 2 classics

i don't like the snare on Hangar 18 but everything else sounds good. slight little changes to the solos to give it that OG liquid type feel. don't really approve of the down-tuning but hey, that's their thing i guess. well done!

i shant be giving up! this is my turn to Tiamat your ass!

probably the funniest fat fucker ever.
Hangar 18 cover. Got the riffs/harmonies down....lolz at trying to copy the trademark solos though - when in doubt, fall back on your major pentatonics why not. Vunts.

Worst. vocals. ever.

Seriously, you've got hundreds of great, talented musicians out there (who can copy old school originators very well).....but these fucking godawful grunt vocalists.

I mean, seriously, if the guitarist is willing to play 8 hours a day for 5 years and master his craft, why can't a vocalist? What a cop out. Still, if you want Nuclear Blast to sign you, keep it up I suppose.

Damn them all to hell.
Haha, actually I just remembered who Omnium Gatherum was. It was the last straw of melodeath for me, and I remember saying THEN how shit the vocals were.
JayKeeley said:
Hangar 18 cover. Got the riffs/harmonies down....lolz at trying to copy the trademark solos though - when in doubt, fall back on your major pentatonics why not. Vunts.

Worst. vocals. ever.

Seriously, you've got hundreds of great, talented musicians out there (who can copy old school originators very well).....but these fucking godawful grunt vocalists.

I mean, seriously, if the guitarist is willing to play 8 hours a day for 5 years and master his craft, why can't a vocalist? What a cop out. Still, if you want Nuclear Blast to sign you, keep it up I suppose.

Damn them all to hell.
his head begins to itch in an unkind manner, and 4 minutes later:
JayKeeley said:
Haha, actually I just remembered who Omnium Gatherum was. It was the last straw of melodeath for me, and I remember saying THEN how shit the vocals were.
:headbang: :loco:
I enjoyed OG's debut when it came out 3 years ago, I'll say that much. There was something "different" about them at the time, at least as different as melodeath could be. It's been quite some time since I've listened to them though.

I just thought the covers would be cool for you guys to hear. You're so mean! WAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!
You gotta give me credit for consistency.

Now just imagine if I said, "hey these vocals are really good!". I'd have to leave the forum forever in shame (and come back as "NAD"). :loco: