Listening to old albums...

Sep 1, 2001
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anybody ever go back and listen to some of their favorite albums from years ago (usually from before you got in to recording music and production in general) and are just really disappointed. Back in the day you loved this band/album but now just can pick out every flaw of the mix and it just kills it for you.
I was doing this last night with Gardenian's "sindustries". The vocals are too low, the guitars are a noisy mess, the auto-tuning sounds awful. The songs are still pretty good i suppose.. heh.
So yea... i guess ignorance is bliss in the form of not knowing when a mix sounds like shit. Ah, the old days.:goggly:
I'm currently on a Mercyful Fate frenzy. Never bothered pondering upon the production when listening to their stuff 'back then', but now - Yep, it does turn out to be a little too disappointing. Anyway, it's great music and I don't give a rat's ass:rock:
listening to the old shit 80's (i guess im getting old) seems refreshing to me actually... production wise too....everything well (not everything) nowadays sounds sterile or sounds the same maybe too much compression or loudness going on which is tiring. i just find myself going back to (old ear friendly) albums again. but you do have a big point alot of the old stuff does sound bad when your used to the new productions..just my opinion i know alot of you are going to disagree with me.:erk:
anybody ever go back and listen to some of their favorite albums from years ago (usually from before you got in to recording music and production in general) and are just really disappointed. Back in the day you loved this band/album but now just can pick out every flaw of the mix and it just kills it for you.

Most of the time it's the opposite for me :) I like the mix and the music of those "old" albums way more than a lot of recent stuff...

I was doing this last night with Gardenian's "sindustries". The vocals are too low, the guitars are a noisy mess, the auto-tuning sounds awful. The songs are still pretty good i suppose.. heh.

I listened to that album recently and i think it just has a weird production. I don't like it so much actually (production-wise and music-wise also). It was produced by Peter Tätgren IIRR.
Though i think their 2 previous albums, "one feet stand" and "soulburner" sound great.
I seem to be the only person that really dislikes pretty much every metallica production.
The Black Album's drums are cool sounding as hell, as we all know, but the rest doesn't do anything for me, but we're all entitled to an opinion eh?

I don't seem to have a problem with disliking production when I revisit albums, but rather having a completely different opinion of the songs. I used to really like older In Flames, but I revisited it all a while back and the whole thing just stunk of cheese for me. I kinda wish I'd just left it as a good memory.
Hey look I found a picture to go with this thread:

I used to really like older In Flames, but I revisited it all a while back and the whole thing just stunk of cheese for me. I kinda wish I'd just left it as a good memory.

same thing just happened to me...i tossed carcass - heartwork in the car and drove around rocking it

and that shit isn't anywhere near as cool as it was when i was 18
I used to like...


Dir en grey...


Actually went back and listened to some of their music a while ago, and the production values are pretty good for the most part, but the vocals and songwriting in general are really bad.
I was listening to Saxon's Power and The Glory somedays back... still love it !! But this time I noticed how I didn't like that guitar sound ! Love the drums and bass thou...
Everytime I get a old (good mixed) album to hear I get pleased. The sound is so much more natural...
I guess I'm almost sort of opposite in this regard. Maybe I've spent way too many years listening to underproduced albums, but a lot of this stuff tends to float by me unless it's really obvious. More often, I'm likely to hear something that's really unusual or cool that you'd never hear on a newer or more "perfect" recording. For example, the almost splashy snare reverb on Black Sabbath's Born Again wouldn't really hold up to a lot of guys' standards, but it kind of fits in that slightly odd eerie echo-y vibe that Born Again has. Maybe I'm just unable to really seperate an album's production from the context of the songs and the times?
Month ago I slept at a friends place, he had to go out to work early. But when I woke up about 4 hours later my eye got caught by some vinyls. So that morning I've gone through Deep Purple - Machine Head, Metallica - Ride the Lightning & 2 Van Halen albums.......
the morning wood was that alllll morning..