The pure agony of listening to those wonderful albums...

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Yeah, I understand. So far haven't been burned, but I usually buy from the "Gemm guaranteed" vendors just in case.
I was ripped of from one time, but luckily they re-imbursed me my $12, so not a genuine rip off. I don't like Gemm either, though I've had a few successful transactions.

THe first two TitD releases are a bitch to find. I got lucky with "Willpower", finding it used at a store for $8 (it sells for about $25-$30 on eBay). I found "Supernova" on for $15 (it goes for about $35-$40 on eBay). The self-titled should be no problem, really.

My advice, just keep searching the used sections at and, or maybe someone on eBay will sell them for cheap using Buy It Now.

I remember Nate saying TitD were re-releasing the old stuff, though.
you did the whole catalogue jeff? are you sure ?
did you do blue blood live or the split with metatron or live till you die?
thers a self titled album too (I think) I've only got it on cdr with willpower on the same disc
sadness will prevail is the fucking daddy though

whats the general feeling on kiss the pig then?
I love it
I've got everything from TitD except the two splits and Blue Blood. However, the two splits both have stuff that is found on Sadness Will Prevail, all except for one song which is nothing more than samples of some dude talking if I remember correctly. I don't have Blue Blood, but I'm not really after that one since I have all those songs on their studio albums.

THe ones I have are Supernova, Willpower, s/t, Live Till You Die, Temple of the Morning Star, In the Eyes of God, SWP, and Kiss the Pig.

Kiss the Pig is more of a back-to-basics kind of record, and IMO, is nowhere near ItEoG or SWP.
ha, your head must have been melted

i don't think that kiss the pig is too similar to earlier albums, just like all of them a diferent slant, and I like them all

but in agreement in the eyes of god is a near perfect record
and sadness will prevail is a masterpiece of despondency

but what about thecovers of why don't we do it in the road + wicked game
from live till you die?

Austin induced some real spite into those fellers

ever seen them live jeff?
I saw them in belfast with nuerosis + voi-vod
three of my top 10 bands on one bill, best gig ever

a little unnerving to be 2 feet away from steve austin when he had a two foot string of snot hanging from his hooter but a pure classic
wow Today is the Day, Neurosis and Voivod on one bill? Jesus that is a perfect lineup.

On the subject of the thread, being the classics geek I am, I was reading Aristotles The Politics, and he has a whole chapter on music. He is of the opinion that music that creates moods of sorrow and contemplation is the most virtuous, music for nothing more than cheap amusement is vulgar, and must not be part of any virtuous man's life. And futhermore that the profession of music is vulgar, that no virtuous man would play music for money, as music is not somehting that can be sold etc, and is part of leisure, not emplyoment etc.
I have heard from numerous people that a TitD show is the most vicious show one can see, and I hope to see them live one day. I still want to see Neurosis live, but it seems they are always touring either California or Europe.

I love the Wicked Game cover. How he can make a love song sound suicidal is awesomeness to the max.
I don't know why but I downloaded a few Madder Mortem songs just now. Pure agony.

Goatsblood - Drull is an album I love to listen to but can only make it through a few tracks in one sitting, as it is truly tortuous. In the good way. Sometimes I listen to it all the way through and get weird.