Little black spot on the sun Tuesday


Oct 16, 2002
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The "Venus Transit" is Tuesday 6/9/04, which is cool, because it has not happened since 127 years ago. Venus travels across the path of the sun and appears for 6 hours as a black dot 1/30th of the sun. BUT....DO NOT LOOK AT IT DIRECTLY............because it will burn a hole into your retina without any pain, and may cause permanent blindness. Just wanted you all to know this in case you wanted to look at it. You have to use a filter of some kind. A lot of people are going to seriously harm their eyes. I think it's worse than looking directly at a solar eclipse. But,'s happening and we're all a part of it.
Alright, I won't keep a look out for it.

I won't be all like "whoa, I wonder what the black dot on the sun is. Let me stare at it a while to see if my eyes are just playing tricks on me" :)
I think it's funny how you had to tell people not to stare at the sun.

Find some welding glass and you should be fine. However I think most of the Western US is out of luck on seeing it, or so I read.

Lots of weird universe stuff happening this year, Mars came really close to Earth, now Venus crossing in front of the sun. Good times.
Xerofall said:
I think it's funny how you had to tell people not to stare at the sun.

Find some welding glass and you should be fine. However I think most of the Western US is out of luck on seeing it, or so I read.

Lots of weird universe stuff happening this year, Mars came really close to Earth, now Venus crossing in front of the sun. Good times.
Yeah, lots of weird stuff, I'm into learning about it. I just read that a lot of people may not know about looking at it. I care about you all, it was just out of consideration, really, that I wanted to mention it.
Cardhago said:
Hehe right... that's my soul up there :D
Hehe, I wondered if anybody would pick up on that.
It's intense...loads of people are making pilgrimages to places like Egypt and the Himalayas just to look at it.

I just want to find a decent metal concert to take the family to over the summer. Anything good happening in PA or Jersey? (other than Kiss with POISON !! or Aerosmith WITH CHEAP TRICK !!!! ) It seems like a non-eventful time for good entertainment. Well, there's always the POPTARTS tour featuring American Idol losers.

Going to see my boy graduate from high school tonite, and I'm feeling older today.:Spin: