Little clip of my latest work..Deathcore!!

Thanks guys...

Yea the band wanted a different snare sound so I'm still messing with things and trying some things out. They wanted a more top skin snare sound with less snares (bottom mic) in the mix. Personally i hate that sound but I have to find a happy medium were i don't hate it as well. :ill:
that's pretty brutal man. how did you get the drums?
mic for vocals?
keep it coming man

Vocals were tracked through a Beyerdynamic mc834 and my digi002 mic pre. The drums were tracked with Audix I5 on the top snare and Sm57 on the bottom. Then 57's on all the toms and atm25 on the kick and Oktava mc012 on overheads. Ride was Shure beta green 4.1 condenser i believe and hats were at4041. The snare and toms are about a 75% samples and 25% original mix, maybe a little more original but more samples overall. Kick was totally replaced so I don't know why i posted the mic. :erk:
sounds heavy dude!
was this recorded to a metronome and quantized? There are a couple of parts that make me think it wasn't.

I've only been recording bands for 2 months now, but i've recorded way too many breakdows like this. I don't know about you, but I'm already tired of recording bands like this haha...
Kinda a long story but no click was used. This was the second time the band has recorded with me but unfortunately the drummer did not take my advice from the first time and start practicing to a click/metronome. We spent half the day getting a click track ready and then the drummer just could not handle it. Anyways this time I told them I will not track you again unless you come in prepared to track to a click, no excuses. Its sad because the band is really good and everyone that hears it always notices the sloppy drum timing and it kills me inside when i know it should be perfect and sound great instead of good. Yea and its not that the drummer is bad he is actually pretty good but, he is just one of those dudes who knows nothing about counting and has always just made up his own tempo. :mad:
sounds heavy dude!
was this recorded to a metronome and quantized? There are a couple of parts that make me think it wasn't.

I've only been recording bands for 2 months now, but i've recorded way too many breakdows like this. I don't know about you, but I'm already tired of recording bands like this haha...

Brian your fucking killing it for only recording 2 months dude. Yea these type of bands can get old pretty quick though! I really like recording pop punk bands because its like a breath of fresh air and its a whole new challenge.
Oh i run triggers on all the drums as well. I just use the mic so the drummer can hear the kick on playback and the band as well. You do something different?

Also I'm editing some drums for this other band I just tracked and I'm always getting a access violation. This happened to me last time as well when i was using beat detective. Its weired its the only time it happens, anyways you ever run into this when editing drums with Bd?? I'm on protools 8 and i think you said your on 7.3 if i remember so maybe protools 8 is the problem. :erk:
Oh i run triggers on all the drums as well. I just use the mic so the drummer can hear the kick on playback and the band as well. You do something different?

Also I'm editing some drums for this other band I just tracked and I'm always getting a access violation. This happened to me last time as well when i was using beat detective. Its weired its the only time it happens, anyways you ever run into this when editing drums with Bd?? I'm on protools 8 and i think you said your on 7.3 if i remember so maybe protools 8 is the problem. :erk:

i run the kick trigger into drumagog live mode and lower the h/w buffer size to 128 in the playback engine so i can have low latency monitoring without having to select "low latency monitoring"(which of course disables all plugins). Works like a charm:)

I've had a couple of issues with access violation recently, but it's usually fixed by restarting pro tools. Sometimes it will happen while it's trying to autosave, so i lose the previous 3-5 min worth of work.

that's only happened once or twice though
what a tease. i wanna hear the breakdownnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn mannnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnno_O

hey brian i just checked out ur band are u sure thats the link to ur crappy one cus all i heard was some good tunes! ;) i noticed u guys are playing with parkway drive, that band serves up some tasty ass riffburgers! i saw them on the thrash and burn but im gonna probably trek out to long island to see em again! stick to ur guns is a fun band to see too.

and u guys are playin bamboozle in new jersey, i think my boys band is playing that, they are called the man with dynamite hands but im not sure if they are still under that name but either way, see u around d00d
Yeah you re right dude it would be so much better and would add to the punchiness, if those drums were tight as shit......I can't believe the drummer can live with that.....But great job none the less, nothing you can do about it