Little Punk-Test

Lasse Lammert

HCAF Blitzkrieg
Feb 12, 2009
Just started working on this Punk Band...
I kinda like the very first rough mix, but I thought I'd get some pointers before I really start mixing.

We're going for a more modern sound, rather big, not piss-dirty...but still vibey.


Guits are:
Epiphone LP with SH4 into 2203 with Hotmod (left) and Krank (right), no TS.
Mesa Stiletto Cab, single sm57.
The bass is giving me some trouble, it's a Rickenbacker, it lacks the bite I'd like, but the bassplayer wants it more mellow.

Drummer is pretty solid.

anyways, tell me what you think, shall I go further into this direction?
sounds really punkisch to me!
maybe some more brightness on the snare, and as said the bass has more power in most punk mixes I think, but in a diverent area as metal basses I guess
otherwise fits the style like a glove