Little story for dec 2010 [JONAH HEX]


spacestation '76film
Apr 11, 2004
Well 2 weeks ago I was in ...............,and late that night they have foxtel as a bonus - film that came on was JONAH HEX - interesting concept sort of comic/gameplay encountering a civil war theme.. but what amazed me was the soundtrack that was more than the film, check it out if your interested experimental films.

NP - satch - black swans and WW
Oh really wow, it hit the have that druggy metal sound in the action scenes ha!

I liked the colours in the film - dark and mad john m - was in top form.
I thought the movie was pretty lame, 'Wild Wild West' style. The comic strip element is no novelty.
I havent actually wanted to see a movie in a very long time, and this movie was one that I insisted on passing on. though I will probably end up watching it sooner or later.