Live album?

Blind Guardian - The Bard's Song.

Unbelieveable on live albums.

One's got 40,000 people singing along. Fucking awesome even without the pictures.

Yeah the live version is good, its even better when you sing along xD
But Blind Guardian's live dvd is the best live dvd ever, just slightley beating Wrath of the Norsemen.
The last couple of releases have had bonus cds with live shows on them....

As a bonus live material on a cd is always good, but to me it's a bit pointless releasing live albums seeing as i'd rather watch a live show than listen to it.

Agreed dude. Watching a live show is a much better experience to just listening to it.
As much as I love AA I wouldn't waste my money on a live album.. i honestly don't see the point even though some are of quality.. its still the same songs with a crowd rawring in the back.

And AA never does the same thing as others.. they never have intros/outros or anything.. I think thats cool, they just release good songs and don't bore us with other shit to fill an album or make more money.
I think they way they did it with WOOOS was perfect, just put some of their good live stuff on a bonus CD. I'm not much of a "live album" fan, but those couple of Wacken tracks were balls on.
I like Live DVDs more. there is nothig better than watch hundrets of people headbang and Celebrate a fucking good live band. ok...beeing one of these guys is better...but then comes watching them