Live at Last


Bottom Line
Sep 17, 2002
Nor Cal
Hey what about this Live Audio disc?

At last................................. and hey we are pretty happy about it!

The DVD is going to be made right as soon as possible but we do have this until then.

I see a lot of people asking what is the best disc to get first, what a perfect place to start.

Hey you are all incredible giving us the support we receive!

THANKS SO MUCH :tickled:
Awesome disk, Ed

I gave it my first "full" listen today...

One thing I had to say though... the intro of "The Thirst" hehehee... man this is almost flawless... I mean seriously.. it is EXACTLY like the studio version.

Great job musically nailing all the parts..

vocally? hmm I'm still debating that, but overall i give it a 9.9!!!

Yup...The Thirst's intro was a taped intro, actually opened the second set of the show...

What's really interesting about the Live At Last sound is how high and prominent the bass is in the overall mix. It gives the recording a nice punch, and I think Ed turned it up to 12?

It's a good sounding live disc that captures it all realistically.

dano1427 said:
What's really interesting about the Live At Last sound is how high and prominent the bass is in the overall mix. It gives the recording a nice punch, and I think Ed turned it up to 12?

I have always been extremley impressed with the way Enchant albums are mixed. It seems that no matter what part you are listening to (drums, guitar, keys, bass) it is always easy to hear that particular part, nothing ever seems to get "lost in the mix".

I have also thoght that Enchant had a great knack for capturing emotion in their studio releases, this is something that I feel very few artists are able to do well.

And as far as the live album goes..............:worship:

I have been a professional lighting guy for many years and have been involved in many live recordings. I will go out on a limb and say 90% of them are less than stellar. Maybe i'm a bit bias (being a fan since Blueprint) but this is one of the top 5 live albums (in both performance & sound quality) I have heard in the last 10 years!

I was also blown away at how well Bill and Sean covered the older material. These wern't easy parts. Especially some of Paul Craddick's high hat & ride rythems!

I wasn't able to attend in person. But, my wife & I were able to catch the entire webcast live that night. I was also extremly impressed with the job that the imusiccast cwer did with streaming the event.
roadieken said:
but this is one of the top 5 live albums (in both performance & sound quality) I have heard in the last 10 years!

You wanted it, you got it!!! The "You're so at the top of everything" sort of comment. I haven't listened to it yet but... I'm afraid I will agree. :p ;)

The performance and mix are both great! I love Ed's tone on this significantly beefs up the tracks.

Being a drummer, I could've stood to hear Sean's snare a bit seems buried on most tracks, especially under the bass :)
I take that back - I would've liked the entire kit, with the exception of the cymbals a little louder :)
i love the fact that this live album has the song lyrics in the album's booklet! i've wondered my whole life why bands don't do this. now, when i want to turn on someone to Enchant's music, i can suggest the live album. this way, i don't have a toss-up decision on which album to recommend for it's songwriting and such. Love this long-awaited concept!!! can't wait for the dvd. keep up the good work guys! much appreciated!
Now THIS is a live album!!! :headbang: :headbang: finally delivered today :Smug: I;'m currently blasting 'Progtology' through my work pc, getting very strange looks from my work colleagues!! :loco:
The Stormbringer said:
This album is big, big, BIG! I can't remember ever having heard a live album with a sound as natural, clear and powerful as this one... I'm loving the hell out of the bass sound! :worship:
Yes, Yes, YES!!! I totally agree!

I guess I'm into delayed gratification. (And I've been a tad low on $) So we finally bought Live at Last at Rasputin's in Berkeley. They also had Blueprint and Tug. I love Rasputin's!

We popped it in the carplayer and we were blown away! My daughter's first comment was that she wants to see them again. We were fortunate enough to be at iMusicast for the show. :hotjump:

What can I say? How lucky are we to have a group that is so awesome in the studio, and then goes a few levels higher live? I'm totally reliving every moment of the show. When I was there, I have to admit to being very overwhelmed and it was hard to take everything in. This audio is kicking in my mental video tape. I can't believe how clearly everything comes across--including the emotional aspect. It's wonderful also for me as the mom of a 16 year old to have music we can share. (I can only handle so much hardcore punk:err: ) We drove through Berkeley, Oakland and Alameda last night, blasting the CD, then Cait didn't want to go home, so we drove around Alameda for a while, listening, with huge smiles! We're taking my Mom out today, and she's going to hear you guys, too. (She's pretty cool--72 and a Morrisey fan:Spin: )

Awesome. Enchant, you guys are amazing. A heartfelt THANK YOU for enriching our lives!

Love, Kristin and Caitlin
Viadragonmomma and baby
I got Live at last - the CD- yesterday. I wouldn't have bought it if I didn't have to return my DVD two weeks ago. But I was so sad then that I wanted to have at least the audio tracks to experience the concert anyway. And it's definately a great album.
Though I know all the songs from the studio albums it's very interesting to hear them performed live. Tracks from the first albums blend very well with the new material.
The sound is very good and if the DVD gets the same treatment it will be one of my favourites. Till then I will play this awesome CD to make the wait bearable.
Thanks guys! It's nice to know that you are enjoying the live CD. We really played our asses off at that show and I hope it comes across. Tom Size and I spent a lot of time trying to mix this record so it would sound good...I'm such a perfectionist that I sometimes forget about the music on a whole and only focus on what's wrong with a project. I've been listening to the CD lateley and I am really happy with the way it turned out. Sure it's not perfect but I think that we really captured a special night and that's what i like about it. It raw and edgey and full of emotion!'s all for you.

Douglas A. Ott said:
Sure it's not perfect
From a producer's and player's point of view, it might not be, but it damn sure is for a fan! You and the band did a bloody great job in putting this baby together... the gig being "edgy and full of emotion", the sound being wonderfully clear, balanced and even spacial (your guitar on the left, Bill's keys on the right) is way more important than your guitar strip coming off in "Seeds of Hate". ;) I wouldn't dare to estimate how often I popped "Live at Last" into my stereo since purchasing it.
Douglas A. Ott said:
I'm such a perfectionist that I sometimes forget about the music on a whole and only focus on what's wrong with a project. I've been listening to the CD lateley and I am really happy with the way it turned out. Sure it's not perfect but I think that we really captured a special night and that's what i like about it. It raw and edgey and full of emotion!

That's what I really love about this live CD compared to most others. Too many live performances are so full of overdubs anymore that they sound more like a studio release than a live performance. I would much rather hear a misplaced note on occasion than a flawless live performance (i've been at 500+ shows....very few were even close to flawless).

Like Ted said.........

"That's live music for ya"

I echo my six string comrades comments! you are all the best! thanks so much for kind words and so much praise on the disc. Like Doug said it is totally for all of you!

And all of you are why we are able to do this! THANK YOU!

NP : Todd Rundgren : A Dream goes on Forever!
It's what a live CD should be...LIVE! Some "live" CD's sound more polished and perfect then the studio recordings. I think this is a bad concept, as I feel one of the main reasons to see a band live is to capture the spontaneous; the uniqueness of a live performance.

Maybe it is a little bit stoupid question, but what region coding is the DVD ?

Important for me since I live in 'region 3' :Smug:

I recently bought 'Critical Energy' from Threshold and it is a region 0 :Spin:

So I suppose that since it is an InsideOut release too, it must be the same ? Or am I wrong to assume that ?

Cheers from Singapore,
Well after some time between the release of Live At Last and this very day, now I can say it : I dig the CD ! Production's raw side really grows on me. I love it. And something which is not often to be heard on live CD : At last bass can be heard and I'm pretty sure that some people will at last hear how talented is Ed Platt ! I have a blast each time I listen to it, it gives me more and more regrets for not being there (sic)
Ze Dan said:
Well after some time between the release of Live At Last and this very day, now I can say it : I dig the CD ! Production's raw side really grows on me. I love it. And something which is not often to be heard on live CD : At last bass can be heard and I'm pretty sure that some people will at last hear how talented is Ed Platt ! I have a blast each time I listen to it, it gives me more and more regrets for not being there (sic)

I'd generally say the mix is great on Live At Last. Very balanced.

I only once had the "chance" to see Enchant live, some years ago at a planned gig supporting Spock's Beard in Austria! Drove nearly 200 miles just to find out there wasn't any show! :yell:

Since then I'm used to informing better before driving anywhere without a ticket!