live drum recording with two inputs


Proud Behringer User
Feb 19, 2012
hello. i'm on tour with a band as audio engineer. so far we've done 3 shows on small clubs and it's been pretty good. the next show tommorow is on a bigger venue with a pretty good sound system. anyway, so far i just have recorded direct output feeds from the console, but we want to multi track the next couple of shows for a possible cd release. i have only got an 8 input interface, a splitter and a 4 channel mixer with me. guitars will be DI and vocals will be splitted but i've got 2 inputs left for the drums. my idea is: on one track will be 1 omni mic of overheads (drummer's got earplugs so there's not much bleed up there) as well kick and toms premixed to the 4 channel mixer (1: kick, 2: oh, 3: tom1, 4: tom2) and the second channel will be only the sm57 snare. the thinking is that i will later be able to get more ohs or more kick eqing channel 1 because these instruments sit on a difference area of the spectrum, and i will have full control of the snare. i haven't done that so far, and i can't do a test run because i don't have any multi tracks or good monitors with me, but it seems it will work greatly. do you have any other ideas? i'm open to everything that will work with my setup which, again is, 4xlr inputs on channel 1 and 1 additional xlr on channel 2.