Live Dt Mp3's?

YEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! This is SO the place to be asking this.

Metallica-fan at Metallica-site: "Yooooooooo, homeboyz, where can I download some Ride da lightnin empeefreezzzzz??!" Lars: "You have now been marked, bitch. You will now suffer for having asked that and wanting to listen to us unlegally, asshole. Be prepared to die after you pay us a million bucks for the shit you put us through."

Not that D.T. are like Metallica.
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He's not asking for copy protected material. As far as I know, trading live mp3's is legal as long as no profit is made.
@u[sic]m: a brainstorm the size of an average weather-balloon proclaimed that as long as no direct links or overly specific directions (such as "meet at midnight under the oak tree") are provided it's ok to ask for illicit, filthy stuff here. ;)
besides, there's no official live material so far, right?

Originally posted by justiceforall303
anybody know a site where i can download live DT songs? or get DT bootlegs?

ok a few points,1stly i have many dark tranquillity and other bootlegs at

2ndly i posted a very similar post on here mnoths ago and recived a furious verbal backlash from the so called moddie as to it was posted on the wrong forume etc!! but when others do this its a different story,well u dont bother me mr moddie i have sent a e-mail to the appropriate athourities about it
Originally posted by silentplanetscot
2ndly i posted a very similar post on here mnoths ago and recived a furious verbal backlash from the so called moddie as to it was posted on the wrong forume etc!! but when others do this its a different story,well u dont bother me mr moddie i have sent a e-mail to the appropriate athourities about it

unsurprisingly, this is totally untrue.
silentplanetscot posted one of his dozen "let's trade these bootlegs" threads and i moved it to the trade forum, also leaving a redirect here for easier accessing.

as for emails, i haven't sent one to authorities yet, although your repeatedly calling me names would warrant you almost instant ban from ultimatemetal.

Originally posted by rahvin
unsurprisingly, this is totally untrue.
silentplanetscot posted one of his dozen "let's trade these bootlegs" threads and i moved it to the trade forum, also leaving a redirect here for easier accessing.

as for emails, i haven't sent one to authorities yet, although your repeatedly calling me names would warrant you almost instant ban from ultimatemetal.


dozens i dont think so maybe 4-5 prove its more!"!!!!!

repeatedly calling u names?? when? where have i called u a name? so me in this thread? nowhere! go ahead and report me and show me where i caleed u anything all i said was mr moddie is that a bad name? u have called me far worse and its all saved on my hard drive!no doubt u will e-mail them some total bullshit ,see if i care ur sad any way!
Originally posted by silentplanetscot
repeatedly calling u names?? when? where have i called u a name? so me in this thread? nowhere! go ahead and report me and show me where i caleed u anything all i said was mr moddie is that a bad name? u have called me far worse and its all saved on my hard drive!no doubt u will e-mail them some total bullshit ,see if i care ur sad any way!

don't make me go on, silentplanetscot. i'm a very peaceful and patient guy, but if you take a look at the "warning points" page you'll notice your banning is not so unlikely. just stop it right here and everything's fine, ok? i'm not bothering you if you don't bother or tell lies about me.
i hope i don't see you reply to this message.

Originally posted by rahvin

don't make me go on, silentplanetscot. i'm a very peaceful and patient guy, but if you take a look at the "warning points" page you'll notice your banning is not so unlikely. just stop it right here and everything's fine, ok? i'm not bothering you if you don't bother or tell lies about me.
i hope i don't see you reply to this message.

ur not bothering me!!! get a life u have been down on me since day 1 entered here! for no reason,see if i care i have many ips i can re-register do waht u see fit if ur so touchy!
sps, if youre gonna continue to post here, can you at least learn some proper grammar, your english is incredibly bad and hard to understand, and i could have sworn that scotland is an english speaking country
Originally posted by rahvin
just so everybody knows, further flames against anyone in this thread will be deleted.


And I who was about to flame the flaming fuck out of silentplanetscot in YOUR HONOR! Now I can´t, just because you added this clause in the thread. Shit! You´re denying me my Internet-given right here, by not allowing me to flame someone who deserves it.

This was really, really, really low of you to do. U[Sic]M is not a happy camper right now.:erk::erk::erk::cry: :(