Live Earth Concert

I was watching the BBC coverage here in the UK. They cut short their coverage of Spinal Tap and Metallica. I've also heard they cut the Beastie Boys as well. The worst part is the z-list celebrity interviews they are showing between sets. NOBODY is tuning in for that shit, so why not show the full sets in London and then show acts from the other cities in between?
I was watching the BBC coverage here in the UK. They cut short their coverage of Spinal Tap and Metallica. I've also heard they cut the Beastie Boys as well. The worst part is the z-list celebrity interviews they are showing between sets. NOBODY is tuning in for that shit, so why not show the full sets in London and then show acts from the other cities in between?

I've also been watching the BBC coverage and 2 of the acts i wanted to see they cut short (Metallica and Beastie Boys). I ain't gonna renew my licence now, the fuckers:lol: Foo Fighters rocked

What were the Pussycat Dolls about???
I was watching the BBC coverage here in the UK. They cut short their coverage of Spinal Tap and Metallica. I've also heard they cut the Beastie Boys as well. The worst part is the z-list celebrity interviews they are showing between sets. NOBODY is tuning in for that shit, so why not show the full sets in London and then show acts from the other cities in between?
Only set I saw was Linkin Park. God were they awful or what? I've heard more tuneful sounds from two cats having sex.
It sucked that the bands only played 3 or 4 song sets, what was the point of that? I did see the chilli peppers set though, thats was good.
The whole idea is stupid. None of those assholes will do anything to help the environment. Their "help" comes from the subjective intangible "awareness" that when you add it up doesn't add up to shit that makes any difference. They'll hop into a gas-guzzler limo, not pick up a single trash after themselves, and leave with a smug sense that what they did mattered all the while passing the buck to everyone else to actually be the ones who physically do something about it.

Damn. I hate "do as I say, not as I do" celebs who think they did something important by doing "awareness" for something anyone who's not living in a cave already knows about.
Damn. I hate "do as I say, not as I do" celebs who think they did something important by doing "awareness" for something anyone who's not living in a cave already knows about.
And their carbon footprint is pretty much non-existant as it is.
The whole idea is stupid. None of those assholes will do anything to help the environment. Their "help" comes from the subjective intangible "awareness" that when you add it up doesn't add up to shit that makes any difference. They'll hop into a gas-guzzler limo, not pick up a single trash after themselves, and leave with a smug sense that what they did mattered all the while passing the buck to everyone else to actually be the ones who physically do something about it.

Damn. I hate "do as I say, not as I do" celebs who think they did something important by doing "awareness" for something anyone who's not living in a cave already knows about.

That is spot on
lmao guys would bitch about anything :lol:

unless you're the uni-bomber living in a shack and riding your bike into town and eating plants or some middle eastern guy living in a tent at the side of the road drinking rain water out of the gutter you're an energy waster .

i just seen a picture of madonna and metallica burning styrofoam cups back stage before the concert :cry: :cry: :cry:
I don't like to bitch. I just don't like empty symbolism by a bunch of people who expect everyone else to actually do all the work.
Here is all the proof you need about Global Warming
