"Live in London" review

Fucking cool, man. Its nice to see them releasing a live album instead of a compilation because BEST OF compilations are never necessary, but live albums are essential to hearing what the band sounds like onstage, especially for those not fortunate enough to go to a concert. Its great to see this album as a stopgap before they start writing/rehearsing/recording stuff for the new album which we should see next year or in 07.
I got that new DVD tonight from BestBuy.

Man, what can I say?

That was some AWESOME Thrash Metal!!!

That crowd was so into every song, and Chuck's voice was outstanding, even with the Death Metal growls.

Ah man, just to hear "Practice what you Preach title song", "Sins of Ommission", and "The Legacy title song" was out-right awesome.

All the old members back in the band, just like what AnTHRaX just did in 2005.

You know that you just saw an awesome Thrash Metal concert when you finished watching that DVD!!!

That and the recent AnTHRaX "Anthrology: No Hit Wonders - The Videos" DVD are must-haves.