Live in Montreal (03-08-2008)


New Metal Member
Aug 12, 2008
Hi everybody

I've discovered Testament less than one year ago so that's was the first time i saw them live.
It was really amazing : event if there was not a very energic crowd, we can feel the hapiness of the band on stage and that's was really great. That's typically the kind of show that I enjoy where you have an interaction between the band and the crowd. At the end of the set Chuck made us sing on the Preacher, that's was a good time.

I cannot remember the whole list of songs played, so if somebody could help me to complete this list :
(xxx? are possible song, but I'm very not sure)

Over the wall
Into the pit
More than meets the eye
The formation of damnation
(more of the new album?)
The haunting?
New order?
Disciples of the watch?
Practice what you preach?
Dog faced gods?
Murky Waters?
Legions of the dead?
The legacy
Electric crown
Alone in the dark
The preacher
Apocaliptic city
maybe Demonic Refusal but without the intro (i would remember it).
maybe there will be a bootleg that can help me :) that would be great.
anyway thanks for the comments

well now, I have to post the pictures that I have taken:

One other thing I personnaly enjoyed : at the end of the show, for the first time of my life, i succeed to catch something: the pick of Alex!

(More pictures are coming)
Ok, here we go (not so bad for a small camera):
(click on the pix for full-size)

Awesome performance by Testament! I was right up front for most of the set and got to meet the band after the show. Meeting the band was worth the price of the ticket alone. My brother also got his ESP guitar signed by the band. Totally wicked!

My only complaint about the show and I'm sure Chuck will be the first to tell you was the Olympia Theater venue. I heard from the promoters that due to all the summer festivals in Montreal, they couldn't book them at Clud Soda or The Medley. Apparently those clubs were already booked. The Olympia Theater is a nice venue but so non-metal. It has too much space and way too many levels. Plus the sound wasn't that great and Chuck would usually have something to say after each song to the in-house sound guy who looked like he didn't have a clue of how metal is supposed to sound. It's hard to create a metal ambiance in such a venue. Nevertheless, their performance was second to none and the set list was as follows in no particular order:

Over The Wall
Into The Pit
Practice What You Preach
The New Order
Electric Crown
Apocalyptic City
More Than Meets The Eye
Henchmen Ride
The Legacy
Formation of Damnation
Three Days In Darkness
The Preacher
Alone In The Dark
Disciples of the Watch

I can't wait for the next time that they decide to come back to Montreal!
thanks for the songlist
maybe they'll come at the second edition of the Heavy MTL festival
That would be terrific