Live in the studio


Aug 2, 2007
Just launched a new "live in the studio" package.
Getting a great response and have 11 booking so far.
My wife works Monday to Wednesday so Evening sessions on these days is ideal for me.
The live session is 7pm-11pm.
I find out in advance what drum setup the band uses and set up and mic the kit ready to go so set up time is minimal once the band arrives.
Did the first session Monday and it went great.
So much fun not worrying about editing or anything.
Band were delighted too.
For any of you guys with a proper studio setup, this might be worth trying.
Here is a song from Monday's session. Foo Fighters style rock band.
No overdubs, no editing, no triggers. Fender P bass and 2 teles into vox and orange heads to mesa and marshall cabs:hotjump:
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I've done a few recordings like this, isolation on the vocals is always a bit of a problem for me, though it's great to just record and mix something without faffing around with editing etc.
The last real project i did was like this. 8 songs in one day sans vocals. Guitarist played bass along with drums, then we overdubbed guitars. Did vocals the next day in a few hours. They said it was their favorite time in a studio! Unfortunately they parted ways soon after, which sucks!

If the band/bandleader knows what they want and they know their parts, shit can be knocked out real quick.