Live Performance


Feb 13, 2011
I know that this forum is mainly for recording and mixing, but I know a lot of you have some experience on playing live. I am in this Heavy Metal band and we need to find a nice PA system package. I have a 6 channel mixer. What would we need to be able to push enough power for clean and harsh vocals? I know we are going to need a power amp and the speakers. We would like 1-2 subs because we plan on micing the bass amp and possibly the guitars. Maybe some links or ideas?
For a metal band the first thing I'd be mic'ing up after vocals is kick drum as it's such an important part of the sound and also one of the first things to get lost in a live mix without reinforcement. For smaller venues guitar and bass amps will have plenty of power to be heard without PA.

Really though I think you would be better off finding a small local PA hire company and building up a relationship with them. Even with a basic vocal and kick setup you're going to need to get messing with FOH speakers, monitors, graphic eq's etc. It's a bit much to be messing around with while you're trying to play at the same time.
Is there a certain list you can think of or possibly a link to a package for a decent price that I would need?