How to use metronome and playback live


May 19, 2012
So my band are gonna try to play with playback, so our drummer is obviously going to need a metronome. I've made a track with the metronome hard panned left and playback hard panned right. My idea is to in some way send the metronome click track to the drummer and the playback to the mixer and out to the PA. I'm a bit lost, maybe this is the wrong forum for this type of question but what kind of cables and adapters do i need?
I'd imagine a Y-cable should do the trick. 1 male stereo plug to your playback device. Then you should have it spreading to 1 male plug for the playback track and 1 female plug for your drummers headphones. Or all male plugs and use an adapter to get the headphones in.

Should work. But I've never tried so maybe someone can verify this if I'm correct.
You'll need a Cubase/ Pro-tools Session and an interface with at least 4 outputs w/headphones out with a switchable source or a small mixer ..I'm starting a Session right now so I'm kinda short in time to explain in details but feel free to PM me! If you want to do it only with the interface Bus all your tracks ( samples / sequences / bass drop) to master 1/2 which will be your output for the venue! and bus all the same tracks + the click in master 3/4 with your drummer preferences for his mix and output this one in the headphones! if you got an a/b switch on! other solution is to output everything into separate channels of a small mixer so he can adjust his mix while playing and even use the line out of your guitar amps to monitor the guitar too!
GTanguay: I've thought about that too but i think its too complicated to bring interface and laptop every time we rehearsal. We're probably just gonna use a phone or mp3 as playback device as it's a lot less hassle.

DullElysium: That sounds like the easiest solution. One RCA Y-cable:
One of the RCA goes to the mixer for playback audio, the other RCA goes to this: and to this: and in to the drummers headphones. And then we just connect the 3,5 mm male on the Y-cable to the playback device. It must work right?
Thx bros for the links but do you really need a DI box? The setup that DullElysium suggested seems to be a lot cheaper than buying an additional mixer for the drummer and a DI box.
Cheaper..but no stereo in the PA.. As your drummer would not be using the "in ears monitors" at his full potential! choice is yours! Or the DI.. Wouldnt be necessary since the interface is a line out.. But in a live situation the patch box to the FOH board is only in xlr.. so why the DI
But i dont really care about the backing track not being in stereo, i actually thinks mono is better since everyone in the audience will hear everything it and not only the people in the middle. We gonna try it out on thirsday, can confirm afterwards if it works or not :P