Live Pictures from Paris 16.01.2006

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'Piccies' is a word for 'pictures'.
A thread called 'pictures' is evident that it contains pictures.
And if it's in a band's forum it's also evident that it's about the band.
Thank you for your patient.
Alexi looks like a fag in those pictures. But he can sure "Beat the living fuck" out of a guitar. Well, at least he used to.
BucketBanger9000 said:
Alexi looks like a fag in those pictures. But he can sure "Beat the living fuck" out of a guitar. Well, at least he used to.


You really do try way to hard. He looks no different than any other metal singer/guitar player. Try to get a little more creative with your CoB insults, you're seriously lacking new material, my friend. :lol:
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