Live recording, Accoustic guitar, 2 (fretless) basses,and cello :) HELP!!


Jul 13, 2005
In venue i do live sound for i was recording the release show of a band i recorded the cd for and this band was the support.
Since i had my gear over there allready i recorded these guys aswell.

The band consists of 2 guitarplayers (acoustic), 1 acoustic bass, 1 fretless electric bass, a cello and a drummer.


Recording was pretty basic because it was live and i didn't have much time and limited channels on my midas.

Both guitars are only Aphex acoustic exciter d.i out into the midas to the Rme.
Both Basses are also both D.I (littlelabs and Sansamp)
Cello is an Aphex exciter d.i sorty thingy aswell only.
Drums is kick,snare,snarebottom, all toms with e604's, and overheads.

Mixing this was realy fun actualy, never did something like this and i couldn't realy find a good reference aswell, so i'm kinda in unknown territory here!

If anyone can give me pointers on how to mix this, i would appreciate it alot :)

Unmastered: Unmastered.mp3

"Mastered" abit: Unmastered2.mp3


It was!
I might be doing some future recordings with them, something i'm looking forward to :)
Siked to see how the recordings are gonna be then if i put some mics on those instruments instead of just having just d.i's!

Anyone got any pointers on the mix?

I think i did well in comparison to their studio recordings: studio vs live AB.mp3

First up is their studio recording, then you hear the same piece of music, but then its my live recording.
The mix overall lacks clarity, but that is more of a mastering thing. High shelf on the master bus would help you out there. For a live recording I think it sounds very good.