Live Rooms


Nov 7, 2005
Okay, so I've finally faced the facts and realized that my room is mostly the reason why my drums sound dead and boring. I've read countless articles on mic technique, and hearing some people's raw snare drum samples compared to mine... it made me think about what I can do to make my room sound better, or more importantly what I would do to construct a live room if I had any amount of money. I'm finding that the principles that apply to treating a control room might be drastically different than treating a live room.

I see pictures of massive live rooms with wood floors and diffusers, but not much in the way of high end absorption. Right now I'm doing the opposite to my room.. my floor is carpet and I have a bunch of 2" studio foam wedges all around.. also diffusors on the side walls and the ceiling in a somewhat ghetto attempt to break up standing waves. I also have 4 auralex bass traps in the corners that don't seem to be doing me much good at all. So basically my room sucks, and it's always going to suck because I can't afford to do anything else to it.

Anyways, my point is that I'd be interested in finding out how to build a live room to sound good rather than focusing on the control room aspect of everything.