Live Setup Questions

Hey guys :wave: We're new to the forum, hopefully we're posting in the right place

We're looking for a bit of insight into some things we've been debating.

We've just finished tracking our EP, on which we've used a lot of samples (including choirs, strings and keys). Our last show we played a revised version of the tracks, in which we didn't use any of the samples found on our EP. After much debate it seems we all agree, that our music feels empty without them, so we are now looking for a means to incorporate it all into our live set.

After some browsing we've determined a few options:

1) Invest in in-ear monitors. This will allow us to play to a click, while simultaneously running a timeline in Ableton, triggering our samples at the correct place.

This option sound practical, but is expensive (in-ears) and if our drummer goes off click our samples will trigger at the incorrect time.

2) Get a new member, dedicated to triggering samples (by tempo tapping) and possibly even playing the keys.

This option is cheaper, but comes with the added drama of a new member (and we arn't sure, but would we still need to be playing to a click?)

Which option would you say is more viable? Or is there another method we have completely missed?

Thanks for your time dudes
I say the backing track method, it can be pretty cheap if you want it to, just have the drummer using normal headphones, as long as he keeps the time well you´ll be fine, you just need to set all the count-ins in a creative way (in my band depending on the part we will have the drummer hitting the kick drum at half time, or playing with the ride cymbal, in parts where it´s only guitars or bass, etc. instead of just plain hitting the hihat all the time, so we can keep the time).

Check this thread: