

Nov 5, 2009
Hi, I'm going to try livestreaming mixing if anyone would be interested in watching. I'm pretty bad so I would appreciate any advice you could give me as I go, but mainly i thought this would be a good idea if any of the better producers wanted to stream? I think it would be very helpful for beginners, and also interesting for the experienced, if just to see other peoples workflow. I know it's not feasible when your working on other peoples stuff, but maybe when you are working on your own stuff or practice mixes? Would be cool to see.

My stream is at:

but don't expect me to be any good. I'm working on Ola's Feared song at the moment, let me know if my stream is working.
cool thing. tried to check it out but the connection was bad or seomething.
can you exlain how to do this ustream thing?
I can imagine how it would work with a webcam but how can viewers see your screen broadcast?
Yeah I have really bad internet, and it disconnected at one point. That's what I was fearing. Sign up for ustream, then download an application called xsplit. You make an xsplit account, then log in on xsplit with that, then you add your stream. You add screen region on the white box at the bottom, and anything else you want like webcam, titles, and move them around by dragging them on the screen, and resizing them. If you google for xsplit tutorial i'm sure you'll find it explained better than I just did though. You'll want to change the audio settings though, default is awful.

EDIT: Okay I lowered my audio quality a little as well as my video, hopefully the stream wont be so laggy.