Lobbyists: The Divine Comedy

May 7, 2002
Lobbyists are an entrenched part of our political landscape. They grease the gears of government from the coffers of their corporate handlers in order to "help society." It's kind of like feeding cats to elephants, while being an advocate for the ASPCA (though cats are evil beasts, and elephants might like variety). Both major political parties have been corrupted by their unseemly influence, and until their deleterious impact is neutralized/marginalized they will continue to obfuscate constructive discussion of fiscal reform, and corporate policy; resulting in the continuing stagnation of our political system, as our esteemed "representatives" continue to play their parts to the best of their abilities while shopping for that perfect set of golden handcuffs.

This isn't a new problem. It's as old as time. It might even be as old as Teri. I somehow doubt we'll be lucky enough to come up with something as cool, or messy, as the guillotine to solve our issues this time, but I thank god for Netflix, and the NFL.