Local show (Freak Fest)

dan of bereavement

shroud of bereavement
Jun 6, 2004
Amesbury mass
Halloween Feak Fest


:headbang: :kickass: :headbang: :Smokin:
So who's going to dress up as the King?
Last year, everyone was dressing up as the Burger King guy (I went to the Halloween parade, and there were loooads of near-naked women). So someone should dress up as Burger King Diamond
I also couldn't believe how much people were paying for that whole outfit.
I saw these costume shops selling them for like $200 (and that's already when it's on sale). Most of the people just had a plastic Burger King mask.

The best part of dressing up like King on Halloween though, would probably be covering the song

I, of course, didn't dress up as anything, and just flirted with women that had stickers on their nips at that parade.
Halloween is pure awesomeness
I have a couple of Coven albums on cassette too.

Old-school metal on cassette has a sound that is usually lost on CD.
The only thing I hate about cassettes, is that I cannot put them on my iPod
Nah, not the same Coven, I meant the one on the bill, hehe. Yeah, I'm more or less from that area, grew up down by the Cape, but my folks live up in NH now. Hoping to get back out there next year, really fucking sick of the Bible Belt. ;)
Also, they warp, and get eaten from time to time. I love that anolog sound though, for 80's metal anyway.
That's how ...Of Ages sounds, because the transferes were from a cassettee. Shroud of Kvult! LOL
Yeah, the analogue sound is the best. It sounds so natural, and you can actually hear the musicians play each note, as opposed to just hearing the notes themselves.
The whole digital sound might sound good for some bands, but I am pretty sick of it by now.

Nah, not the same Coven, I meant the one on the bill, hehe. Yeah, I'm more or less from that area, grew up down by the Cape, but my folks live up in NH now. Hoping to get back out there next year, really fucking sick of the Bible Belt. ;)
What style is this Coven?
Fucked if I know. Seriously, that argument started before I ever joined, and I'm sure it's still going. I've only seen them once since I left almost 4 years ago... and I was pretty damn drunk that night. But I saw the flyer and was like "Hey!".

Fuck, I can't wait to be home, where there's actually, you know, shows and shit. Fucking Kansas :/