Logic Feedback Problem


Mar 29, 2011
I was ever so hopeful that I would never have to create a thread here. After scouring the internet, I have been unsuccessful in finding an answer to my problem thanks to the fact that feedback means 1. a rating of performance
or 2. output to input on the same device causing distortion.

My problem deals with 2. I just finished up routing my s2.0 out to separate channels in logic and toying with them. I have previously only used the internal s2.0 mixer. Every thing worked fine until I created a new audio track of any kind. The audio track (stereo or mono) had no input and was sent stereo out. Upon hitting pause the s2.0 channels would feedback like crazy.
The problem went away with the audio track deleted.



Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Strange problem, I have no idea what it might be (but I don't own SD 2.0 either). The dropbox files you posted don't work.. you gotta copy them in the "Public" folder and then get the public link. On a Mac, rightclick on the file and select dropbox->copy public link.
Thanks for the error fix. Hope the images help.

Tried disabling groups, routing to only stereo out, and turning off either buss.
Still no fix.

Update: If I have the the superior channel selected, there is no feed back. Only when I have an audio track selected does it feedback.