[Logic] Video Tutorial: Importing & Randomizing REX Files


 Certified iPod Trainer
Jan 22, 2007
Baton Rouge, La.
This is a quickie on how to import & randomize those Tyrannosaurus REX files using the EXS24.
It's quick - it's easy - and it's boring as heck.
Mostly for beginners - but you might get a laugh out of it.
Check it out .... I hope that you enjoy .
Take care.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g81Ih5Qspbw]Import & Randomize REX Files[/ame]
I really should start to try and understand the ES24 better...

Great work.
It is actually a useful tool - even for real recordings, etc. What I mean is - for somebody like us who might record a metal band or something, it can come in very useful at times.
Nonetheless - thank you for watchin' and the reply, too, sir.
I appreciate the kind words.
Take care.
do you have any specific instances where it would be used in a real life metal recording?

thanks mate!
I do not personally have any instances; however, Slipknot comes to mind (as an example). What I mean by that is there are a couple of tunes where they have a BreakBeat loop playing in the background, etc.
If you were to do something like that - it too would be best suited in the background ... depending on the format of the song and if there were any places where a mood should be set, etc.
With that instance - I am referring to the REX files import/randomize type of thing.
There are some other areas where the EXS24 might come in very handy as a drum replacement tool. What you could do is a recording of the drummer hitting each kit piece a random amount of times ... let's say 10 times. Then lay those hits out along the EXS24. Go ahead and do the Audio to Score function, thus triggering the notes that you have already processed, etc.
That is an idea that I got from SlipperMan, BTW. That is a very quick interpretation of the process .... FWIW.

But there are some other things that we can use the EXS24 for .... just got to be creative!
You can actually use the EXS24 for vocal correction .... or something like that.

Again - just be creative.

I hope I didn't ramble too much - and I hope that made sense.

Take care, sir.