LOITS "Must album" (04.06.2007)


New Metal Member
Aug 24, 2005
Respected comerades of LOITS!

Today is the solemn date that we are proud to announce the pre-ordering of the both versions of "Must album". After trying on some boots of Spanish origin, the admired musicians were ready to agree to anything, meaning, this time, the signing of all pre-ordered records. After a few entertaining hours in the company of a searing iron and a torture wheel, the people of Loits began wondering about offering up even more surprises. The good old practice of lashing gave root to the idea to raffle off among the pre-orderers of the limited edition the silver medallion depicted on the album cover. One of the pre-orderers of the regular version will also receive the guitar strings used during the recording of "Must album".

The last day to pay for the pre-order is May 31, 2007; we'll start sending out the records on June 4th at the latest. If you are unable to reimburse us in the seven days following the receipt of our purchase verification, please contact us in person; otherwise your order will be deemed null and void.

Pre-order now:
Limited edition

"Must album" by LOITS

Nearly three years have passed since the release of "Vere kutse kohustab", but Loits have not left their guns rusting in the ditch. On Estonian Flag Day, June 4th, the long-awaited "Must album" ("Black album"), encompassing nine songs of unheard-of brilliance. The record is not unlike a picture album left behind by the grand-grandparents, documenting not only photographs, but also all the joy expereiced, as well as the tragedy of one small nation. "Must album" does not glorify the love for the fatherland or the soldier's valour, not the beauty of life or the pain of grief, although the latter one acts like the cord that twines the songs together. The new Loits album is a gift of remembrance to those departed, serving also as a reminderto all that injustice never dies.

LOITS "Must album" limited edition

The limited edition of "Must album" is a true bag of surprises to all friends of Loits. In addition the actual album, the neat cardboard package contains a cool sticker as well as six commemoratory cards. The main thing, though, is the bonus EP "Mustad laulud" ("Black songs"), containing four tunes that are of somewhat different cast, yet entirely delicious nevertheless. And as if this was not enough, it also includes a photo album, a newsreel movie about the "Must album" record and a "Monologue" balancing the overall tonality of the album, all launchable on a PC. Together with Loits you are strong!

