Lol... release date for new Iced Earth is September 11


also known as ass-mode
Feb 13, 2004
Québec City
ICED EARTH - Framing Armageddon Release Date

Added Thursday, June 28
Added By: EvilG


Street Date USA/CAN: SEPTEMBER 11 2007

ICED EARTH: “Framing Armageddon (Something Wicked Pt. 1)”


1.) Overture (Schaffer)

2.) Something Wicked (Part 1) (Schaffer)

3.) Invasion (Schaffer)

4.) Motivation of Man (Schaffer)

5.) Setian Massacre (Schaffer)

6.) A Charge to Keep (Schaffer)

7.) Reflections (Schaffer/Mills)

8.) Ten Thousand Strong (Schaffer)

9.) Execution (Schaffer)

10.) Order of the Rose (Schaffer)

11.) Cataclysm (Schaffer)

12.) The Clouding (Schaffer)

13.) Infiltrate and Assimilate (Schaffer/Mills)

14.) Retribution Through the Ages (Schaffer)

15.) Something Wicked (Part 2) (Schaffer)

16.) The Domino Decree (Schaffer/Owens)

17.) Framing Armageddon (Schaffer)

18.) When Stars Collide (Born is He) (Schaffer)

19.) The Awakening (Schaffer)

(Total Running Time: 69:03min.)

Jon Schaffer - Guitars
Tim Owens - Vocals
Brent Smedley - Drums
Troy Seelie - Guitar
Dennis Hayes - Bass

In 1998, ICED EARTH released an album called "Something Wicked This Way Comes". The final 20min. of that album featured the debut of the "Something Wicked" trilogy, a three-part epic overview of a story written and created by band mastermind Jon Schaffer.

While the above trilogy was only an overview, the entire story was written and laid waiting to be told. Now, almost 10 years later, after years of hard work and contemplation, Schaffer has delivered the first part of what could be his magnum opus. "Framing Armageddon (Something Wicked Part I)" is the first of two albums weaving a thrilling Sci-Fi tale of mankind’s invasion of Earth, the planet occupied by the direct descendents of the Grand Architect of the Universe. These descendents, the Setians, are the Earth's most ancient culture, and are the wisest, most peaceful race in existence.

Not only is the story told through the music and lyrics, but in true ICED EARTH fashion, through the album artwork as well. Over the years Schaffer has established a loyal record-buying fanbase through quality craftsmanship that runs through every facet of the band and their output. After the very successful release of the teaser single "Overture of the Wicked", it's certain that the fans will be utterly blown away by "Framing Armageddon (Something Wicked Part I)". Both musically and visually, this album will NOT disappoint.

The funny thing is why did he bother putting next to each songs that HE did the songwritting? Might as well just put at the end "Songwritting: Schaffer". And with the poor production Jim Morris is providing, this album will lack the poweful sound it will need to be credible for the style of the album.
I fail to find the humor in the 9/11 release date. The man is merely paying tribute to the most trying day in recent U.S history. While you sit their mockingly with a waxed chest and a lined eye.
I figured the most trying day for the US was when the South first shot at the North/vice versa. Or perhaps a few times during the revolution, or before it, or right after it.
I fail to find the humor in the 9/11 release date. The man is merely paying tribute to the most trying day in recent U.S history. While you sit their mockingly with a waxed chest and a lined eye.

he already paid tribute with When the Eagle Cries.

Oh wait
he already paid tribute with When the Eagle Cries.
Iced Earth has always worn their patriotism on their sleeve; "1776" on SWTWC, "Ghost of Freedom" on Horror Show, etc. I saw them in NYC, for their first 9/11 show and they came out playing the Star Spangled Banner with Barlow waving a giant flag. Hell, Barlow left the band to go join the Department of Homeland Defense after 9/11.

bah. shit band.
Iced Earth >>>> Every Band You Like (unless you like Nevermore, Symphony X or Zero Hour).:loco:

Seriously, this could be my most anticipated release of the year. And I'm not even THAT much of an fan, I just think the expectations going into this are sky high....and I have this gut feeling that they'll deliver in spades. "old school" metal is on such a roll these days.

Based on thier last release I porbably won't get this.

Forget disc 1, remember disc 2!
Iced Earth has always worn their patriotism on their sleeve; "1776" on SWTWC, "Ghost of Freedom" on Horror Show, etc. I saw them in NYC, for their first 9/11 show and they came out playing the Star Spangled Banner with Barlow waving a giant flag. Hell, Barlow left the band to go join the Department of Homeland Defense after 9/11.

Keep in mind though, these things should clearly be scorned. Any reasonably intelligent person would agree. If Schaffer's views swung in the other direction, they would instantly be a much better band.
Iced Earth has always worn their patriotism on their sleeve; "1776" on SWTWC, "Ghost of Freedom" on Horror Show, etc. I saw them in NYC, for their first 9/11 show and they came out playing the Star Spangled Banner with Barlow waving a giant flag. Hell, Barlow left the band to go join the Department of Homeland Defense after 9/11.

Iced Earth >>>> Every Band You Like (unless you like Nevermore, Symphony X or Zero Hour).:loco:

well, I don't mind them being patriotic, but they gotta do it well at least! Ghost of freedom is one of my favorite songs on HS, 1776 is alright, though it lacks the intensity of instrumentals like Call of Kthulu.

I'm only complaining about When the eagle cries, because that song's the worst way of showing one's patriotism. Star Spangled Banner is pretty boring too.....
Seriously, this could be my most anticipated release of the year. And I'm not even THAT much of an fan, I just think the expectations going into this are sky high....and I have this gut feeling that they'll deliver in spades. "old school" metal is on such a roll these days.

I don't even think they're doing something i'd call old school nowadays... TTS was far from blowing me away, I better hope that was the worst song on the album. Iced Earth last old school album was HS, which was a step up from SW imo. THen it went bacccck down with TGB. Okay Jayk, I give you the point, the trilogy is excellent, but it's only 30 minutes out of 80 of total spin?
I don't find anything remarkable about the Gettysburg trilogy outside of the sheer ambition of the project.
I don't find anything remarkable about the Gettysburg trilogy outside of the sheer ambition of the project.
I honestly cannot understand how anyone can listen to The Gettysburg Trilogy and not be blown to smithereens.

That is one piece of music that should NOT be listened to on headphones. Play it on large and loud speakers and crank the volume like a mutha. When the cannons go off, and your entire room shudders, or when Schaffer's RIFFs kick in....shit, I'm getting goosebumps just writing this.

I'll give you this though, disc 1 is redundant. It's like they went in with full focus on Gettysburg and everything else was just leftover material.

One thing to remember with IE is that they don't have a single perfect album. Not one release would get a perfect 10/10 in terms of consistent magnificence. Horror Show is a prime example of where you have EXCELLENT songs and DUFF leftovers.

I doubt if this trend changes for the new albums, but I just think the new material is going to be more hit than miss. The stars are aligned.
In Harsh Times, Bale's character got a job with Dept. of Homeland Defence when the LAPD turned him down on psychological grounds.
I don't really care for the band in general really, so maybe that has something to do with it. I find Schaffer's technique and style very boring.