LOL - The Haunted vs. Cradle of Filth

Dark One

The Tainted Dogma
Feb 5, 2002
Southwest Florida
On Blabbermouth today:

THE HAUNTED Frontman Slams CRADLE OF FILTH As 'Pathetic Losers' Who Write 'Sh.t Music'

In an interview with the metal show "Pyro" on Norwegian national radio NRK P3(web site), which aired November 29, 2005, THE HAUNTED vocalist Peter Dolving went on a full-on attack on CRADLE OF FILTH.

Responding to a question about which band was the most fun to tour with, the Swedish singer stated that it was easier to tell which band was the most boring to tour with: CRADLE OF FILTH. Explaining why, Dolving said: "They are such whores. Everybody from the band, crew, tour-management — they are all cunts. They are my asswipe. CRADLE OF FILTH ain't worth the inside of my large intestine. They are the lowest of the scum. They are lousy musicians, they write shit music, they are swindlers. They fool their audience into buying too expensive t-shirts. They are greedy, they are losers, fucking zeroes, they are pathetic. They are a bunch of phoney fags with colored hair. That's it. Fuck them!"
Have The Haunted heard the albums they released after their self titled?

Never the less, I've heard Dani Filth is a bastard and Cradle of Filth truly are shit.
That being said Cradle of Filth do play pathetic music and I have no difficulty believing that their attitude is fake and shit and everything.

Musicians bashing other musicians in public is definitely out of place, but maybe he was really pissed at the band for some reason and really felt like telling the world. Oh, whatever, as long as no band I like is involved...
I wonder if Dolving includes his former bandmate in The Haunted Adrian Erlandsson in this verbal diarrhea.
Dolving said:
They are lousy musicians,
oh wow.

Demonspell said:
Isn't it always bands with little to no redeeming value that get involved in these ridiculous verbal spats? Maybe he's just ticked off that there aren't any clueless goth sluts wearing Haunted T-shirts.
to be fair though, cradle of filth sucks about 20000000 times more than the haunted
yeah i actually kept one or two Cradle of Filthiness CDs in my collection. The Haunted i had one but sold it pretty quickly.