Lombardo for $750 a show...

lol wut. i have never had a drummer that spent even 10% of the time i do on practicing and songwriting.
I'm sure Dave didn't get as good as he is not practicing. And I challenge all you who say drummers aren't worth it sit behind a drum set and play a set. Especially those drummers who can't afford roadies that have to break that shit down after a set.
I'm sure Dave didn't get as good as he is not practicing. And I challenge all you who say drummers aren't worth it sit behind a drum set and play a set. Especially those drummers who can't afford roadies that have to break that shit down after a set.

No one said that drummers aren't "worth it", but they definitely are not worth more than the other members (generally speaking).

Drummers who can't afford roadies have other members of the band help them taking down the drum set, at least the bands that I've seen.
67k a year playing drums. or 114k a year playing guitar or bass and vocals.
I would be upset too if my band mates were making almost twice as much as me.

You can play a show without a second guitar player. Or a bass player. Instrumental bands without a singer. Playing a show without a drummer? Whaaaaaa?
^ I have seen a band from my country playing with only 2 guitars players and vocals in some weird death metal band. They were playing to a drum machine. Seemed a bit strange but so it was their sound.

As for lombardo, I agree that the point it´s not payment itself but the payment having in mind the whole receipt. I might be wrong but I think he knew before returning to slayer again. Because nobody plays in big bands without caring about their payments.

He was the original drummer but then he went away for a lot of years and when he came back he was probably treated as a hired member and not as a founding member along with the others. Slayer members became greedy bastards and he got fucked up in the ass. But I really doubt that he didnt knew his terms in the contract.
This is straight up business - getting paid commensurate to your overall level of input is common sense - Lombardos mistake is trying to fight his case using public perception and not just a good lawyer as no one likes to see perceived rockstars arguing over whether they got stiffed - even if they quite clearly did.
This is what happens when the old system of marketing a band is still applied these days. A band as well known and respected as Slayer should try to bail out of any big-ass music contracts and do their stuff on their own, making less money, but also not having to pay the huge crowd of people just feeding off their work. The possibilities are certainly there, and with retards becoming millionaires just by doing stupid shit on Youtube, I think a Slayer record with documentary would be able to muster up enough ad-splits for them to make a good living. Just go rogue guys ...
I'm sure Dave didn't get as good as he is not practicing. And I challenge all you who say drummers aren't worth it sit behind a drum set and play a set. Especially those drummers who can't afford roadies that have to break that shit down after a set.

i never said drummers arent "worth it". my point was every drummer i have ever played with did very little outside of setting up and taking down his drumset and changing drum heads. i am sure lombardo has logged plenty of hours practicing, which is why he is a world class drummer. i am willing to bet that many others here have been frustrated in the past by lazy drummers that never practice or put anything into their craft. your comment that drummers are the hardest working members just made me chuckle because that is the exact opposite of my experience.
pardon my ignorance, but what´s 360?!

Refers to a 360 deal between the band and label - ie the label takes a piece of other aspects of the bands revenue besides the music - touring, merch, etc.
Are those 67k including record sales and merchandising? I guess not . This whole Lombardo drama also includes the fact that his ex wife is receiving 100k a year after the divorce. Lawyers said Lombardo salary was 200k. And thats more like it. Everything is about money this days, in a way that's fucking disgusting. Still i think Dave Lombardo should be making more money from those 4.4 million dollars the Slayer brand is making a year.