Long Distance Calling w/Jonas

Yeah, the song is great.

Too bad the entire cd didn't feature Jonas, and have songs like this. I would have bought a record like that in a second. At least it's nice to see him finally getting around doing lots of guest work.
should we be worried about Katatonia?

I'm certainly not worried in the slightest. For one they live in Germany so that slims the chances, and second it's not like Jonas hasn't had other side projects. The most you have to worry about is when Katatonia are going to have that burst of inspiration to finish a new cd. If anything it's best for them to spread their wings for a while so they can come back with new ideas, and maybe even a fresh outlook on how to make music.
as stated, the mix is pretty bad, and his singing almost dissapears behind too much music.
however, i really like this.. i can even imagine buying it if the rest of the songs are this good :)
Good song, will be buying the album for sure. The only problem is this just makes me want the next Katatonia album even more lol.
True as long as he does not continue to do that little melisma ( singing that little phrase of notes over one word - as in unfurl - or similar to My Twin) in every song.
Am I the only one who never know this band before??? I can't stop listen to it now! For sure I'll buy this album !