Long Since Dark signs to Division 13 Records, pre-order new album and get 2 bonus cds


New Metal Member
Jan 20, 2003
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Long Since Dark is melodic doom metal at it's finest featuring a sound that borders "Like Gods Of The Sun" My Dying Bride and "Draconian Times" Paradise Lost. Focusing on melody and strong emotion to make each song a journey. Originally released in summer 2004 "Departure" came off to rave reviews by fans. The album was never promoted but managed to sell over 100 copies and gain over 12,000 hits to their soundclick.com site where fans could listen to samples. Still to this day with no promotion the band's website gets over 1,000 hits a month and over 700 downloads. Yes the music is that good... but now it will be better...

"Departure" is being totally re-recorded from scratch. As told before we were never 100% happy with "Departure" because the songs drifted so far away from the original purpose of Long Since Dark. After months of thought and turmoil within we decided to simply re-record it. The guitars were tuned back down to C# (Doom tuning!) and many songs were re-written and quite a few are totally new. The only thing that stays the same are song titles and lyrics. The production quality is improved ten fold as well sounding a lot more professional and clearer. Long Since Dark plans to promote "Departure" heavily in the coming months and fans can expect a June/July release date.

We are currently accepting pre-orders for "Departure". You can pay via Pay Pal or money order and as an included bonus you will receive the original "Departure" and our self-titled demo as well. That is two FREE CDs simply for pre-ordering! Both of these cds will only be available for the pre-order time period and after that they will no longer be available in any form. The price is $12 and that includes shipping in the U.S. or $13 including shipping for international. We will accept large orders for distributors as well. Please pre-order by no later than July 1st to insure you get your bonus items. All orders placed after that date will not be considered a pre-order and will not include the bonus discs


In other news Long Since Dark has just inked a deal with upstart label Division 13 Records. Their first release is the new Blood Legacy album "Martyr".
