Lonn Friend Takes Over The CMS!!


The Man Behind The Mayhem
The Classic Metal Show
9p-3a EST Saturdays

THIS WEEK ON YOUR CLASSIC METAL SHOW: Well friends, this week is truly going to be one of those weeks that goes down in CMS History as one of the best ever. Both Neeley and Chris spent the 80s getting their heavy metal knowledge from one source - "The Bible Of Bang", RIP Magazine! The leader of that magazine, and the king of cool in both the guys' eyes was the Editor in Chief, Lonn Friend. Lonn has left the publishing game, except for his new, clearly killer book entitled LIFE ON PLANET ROCK. Lonn will not only be on the show to promote it, but he will be live in studio with the guys talking about all your favorite bands. Kiss, Motley Crue, Metallica, Guns N' Roses - Lonn was a fly on their wall as all the debauchery of the 80s went down, and he's got stories ready for the CMS fans that he's saved up along the way! No requests for this one - it's all Lonn all night long!