look at this idiot

IF only I could be arsed to join that forum... could have field day. If anyone here is a member, be sure to mention something along the lines of "There seems to be an awful lot of testoterone flying about these forums" :rolleyes:
Hehe. Sounds just like a bunch of idiotic church going people. Should death metal be banned, HELL NO MOTHER FUCKERS!!! Why the hell should it be. The more atheists and Satanists running around the better. Just imagine...
i read that and i literally started shakin com on how many chicks can go as low as opeth and stay fuck perps and jocks they get inmy face ill fuck them up take a hatchet to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!goooooood!!!
aheeh yeah thouse people are just pathtic. It really is sad. but o well idiot like that dont deserve to know reall music than any ways.
- how can you enjoy that "music" it's just clatter of instruments and screaming down a mic with the odd crap rapper who attemts to smooth the song over but fails everytime.
