LOOK what just came in the mail k***K

Meisterjäger;7406586 said:
That's completely changed my opinion of this little thing! When you were weighing up either the Rev Jr or a 5150, I thought you were mad! I get it now ;) Have you done any recordings with more mids? I'm wondering how angry it sounds with the mids at about 4 o'clock.

Any chance you can give me some size dimensions? I can't find anythin on the interweb, and I think this might look slightly less out of proportion sitting on one of those vertical 2x12's :D

im turning the mids up for general practice, ill have to get summat recorded in the next few days to show ya, the size of the thing is 40cm wide, 22cm high and 23cm deep.

its going to be a dedicated recording amp, as i have my XXL for live use as that has 3 channels and sounds pretty sick for a solidstate amp. ill still be lookin into getting a 6505 or bugera 6260 in the coming months though!
im turning the mids up for general practice, ill have to get summat recorded in the next few days to show ya, the size of the thing is 40cm wide, 22cm high and 23cm deep.

its going to be a dedicated recording amp, as i have my XXL for live use as that has 3 channels and sounds pretty sick for a solidstate amp. ill still be lookin into getting a 6505 or bugera 6260 in the coming months though!

Thanks dude that's cool, it's much smaller than I was expecting! I've been trying to sell an LTD EC-1000 for a while, and I could do a straight swap for a new one of these. It's tempting, but taking a massive hit on the guitar. Also thinking of waiting for the pro, as it seems to have a gain knob, too, which will definitely come in handy.

... haha, did I really say mids at 4 o'clock?! Good god, musta been havin a bad day.
I dunno dude, I think $600-$650 is about the most you could hope to get for your EC-1000, so I think a straight swap for a Rev Jr. would be pretty much perfect (I know you're in England so it'd be in pounds, but I assume the prices convert equally for the two)
I'm seriously considering it man. I'd definitely use the head a lot more than the guitar. Prices do differ slightly, the LTD is selling every day now for like £700-£750, and around another £80 for a half decent case, and the Krank Jr is £400. I'll wait to hear how the new clips of the head sound and make a decision.

The lack of gain knob on the thing confuses me, though. How's that work? Is it just balls out gain all the time on the Krank channel?
Ahhh, that makes sense!! I just can't find much decent info on this thing, dude, sorry!

No rush on the clips man. I'm in talks with a guitar shop about ordering a Jr Pro, so I'll hopefully go and check it out in person sometime soon.
... When I said no rush on the clips, I didn't mean take friggin forever, dude!

I'm jus kiddin with ya, really tempted to go an pick one of these up from Machinehead on Saturday an jonesing (no pun intended ;))to hear more!!