Look wut i Found!

Ya... I have something too. I got rid of all the old crap that was on it and put something new on it! This is my current project- Malebolgia (I know the URL says 'frostfyre'- that was the old bands name). I play all the instruments- recording vocals for the song that's posted this week!

There are a few other songs I've written- I just haven't recorded them yet! :p

Anywho, lemme know what you guys think.

pretty cool dude... the song does need a bit more... direction, it seems like it is mostly the kind of riffs used for buildups, but never actually climaxes. But you did it all yourself. thats dope
I know... it was the best project i've ever been in. Unfortunately after a while the band as a whole just lacked dedication and the drive to really go anywhere, so I lost interest and moved on.

I'm currently involved with a new band on drums again, having taken a long break to focus on guitar... we're supposed to have recordings some time in the next couple months. I'll post it here as soon as they are finished. It will be just as sick as Successor was.