Looking at getting another pair of SDCs...


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Looking at buying another pair of overheads to go along with my ATM450s... This is what I'm considering so far...

Studio Projects C4 Pair: $300
Oktava MK012 Pair with cardioid capsules: $450
AKG C 451 B Pair: $800

The Oktava seems like a safe bet, most people seem to love them, but I can get those C4s for pretty cheap and I've heard good things.. At the other end of the spectrum, maybe it's worth upgrading all the way to the AKGs? I've never tried my ATM450s for acoustic guitar or anything but it would be nice to have a pair of SDCs that could cover that application well as well as working as really nice overheads. What do you guys think?
Don't forget SM81's, I've used them a fair amount at my school on acoustic and overheads, and absolutely loved 'em
one word of caution on the 451's: they're brighter than all shit. that might be what you're looking for, but it might not be also...

and i'd also go +1 for checking out the SM-81's; they have a fairly neutral sounds that comes off as a teeny bit bright in the top end, but not unnaturally so

i've also heard good shit about the peluso SDC's, which run i think around the same price as the 81's, but i can't really vouch for them, as i've never used them myself
Those 603s do look interesting! What else have you compared them to that you prefer them over? For that price it might be worth just buying a pair for the hell of it...

They just work really well. I always have them up for overheads and bought an extra pair for whatever.

Check eBay etc...
I bought the second pair for $75.