looking for a bassist that can thrash as well as slow down to a crawl


I am...Madcheese!
Jan 31, 2007
dallas tx
I'm a sludge style guitarist but I also write thrash, I have just found a punk style drummer and all we need now is a bassist and a lead guitarist too. we sound like a lot of things, I love old school thrash and heavy metal, we don't do covers right now, we jusdt have so much material to work with, I have written music and lyrics and am the main vocalist and have written about 4 albums worth of music and a few 100 other ideas to mess around with not including standiing around improvising riffs, we do mainly punkmetalsludge, my vocals have a wide range, I can scream and some growling but I don't use it much and I have a berritone voice but I can hit high notes like Rob Halford too, took a while to figure out ai could but I'm lovin that. Anyways hit me up if you're interested we're in N. Dallas tx, my number is 214 434 9357. we are just starting out so we're in the garage stage of things but we do hit up the open mics and I have been playing open mics for the last 3 months and have no fear of the stage or the crowd, unless we get mobbed or some shit,lol. we usually have rehearsals on mondays due to work scheduals but when the drummer moves to dallas we will be able to rehearse more, we have only jammed together 3 times and sound like we've been jammin for a few months, we got groove and shit that hits hard, but I also play acustic and have ballad style songs but no they aint love songs, usually just about somthing fucked up or dark and anti govnmt, the heavier ones I mean.thanks. :kickass: