Looking for a girlfriend

It's not that cut and dry though. Also it's not manifested in being a retard on the interwebs.
It's usually hallucinations/delusions.

its not cut and dry true, that is why there are many forms and classifications, but as you also noted, delusional (which goes hand in hand with the disconnection of reality), and hallucinations (subsequently caused from the lack of interpreting a correct perspective of reality) are along side many of the side effects of schizophrenia. And interwebz d-baggery doesn't count, but from the way he talks, rambles, looses his train of though and alienates himself from society shows signs that he indeed is, with some extra interwebz retardation as a thrown in effect.

But that is just tipping the iceberg of the whole topic
its not cut and dry true, that is why there are many forms and classifications, but as you also noted, delusional (which goes hand in hand with the disconnection of reality), and hallucinations (subsequently caused from the lack of interpreting a correct perspective of reality) are along side many of the side effects of schizophrenia. And interwebz d-baggery doesn't count, but from the way he talks, rambles, looses his train of though and alienates himself from society shows signs that he indeed is, with some extra interwebz retardation as a thrown in effect.

But that is just tipping the iceberg of the whole topic

I find it hard to make such an assumption about the severity of such a condition based on this lolacaust of a video. By that description Tad Donely would also be schizophrenic
Hahahaha Morgan, that's a good one. Oh my god, I can't believe how some guys really see themselves as really something special... holy shit. I would never even think of saying something like that to a girl, I mean even if I did feel like I was a real "catch", because it just makes you lose all credibility. Why would someone need to point out to the other person that they are a catch? It's up to them to realize that.


"You call me as soon as you have the courage to" is another gem, this guy just lives in his own dream world :lol:
And the part where he goes on and on about whatever psychological issues she may or may not have... and then finishes it with "if you have any of that, then don't call me" or something like that, hahaha. What an asshole, I'd like to punch him in the face.