Looking for a Hardcore band to mix (for FREE)


Jul 25, 2014
Detroit, MI

I recently dug up the old Hollow Ground multitracks and that put me in the zone to mix some hardcore.
Looking for hardcore bands that would like to have their EP/7"/demo (whatever format releases come in these days) mixed for release.
I grew up listening to All Out War/Madball/Clevo/Earth Crisis so if your band's style is anywhere close to them hit me up! I can't mix the newschool (Rise Records HC) stuff at all. Sorry.

Oh yes, and like said in the thread I'm willing to mix for free just because I haven't had the chance to mix anything hardcore in years and it is a passion of mine. No catch here, I just want to mix some hard-hitting hardcore! For old times sakes!

Listen to the clip and judge for yourself

ronschc (#) gmail . com