looking for a monitor upgrade!


Jul 27, 2005
hey guys,

so, i'm running an RME fireface 400 into yamaha hs80m's as of right now....and well, ever since i upgraded to this interface i'm getting more and more of a feeling that the yammies just don't live up to it.
my main gripe is lack of transient detail. also, things that are plain WRONG don't quite jump out at you....you know, stuff that's really obvious on consumer level systems seem to be really sugar coated by the yammies. another gripe is that in the lower mid region, it's really hard to judge smaller (but critical) eq adjustments down there. they're also rather bright and fategueing (sp?)....tbh i didn't notice most of that stuff before my conversion upgrade - but i do now, and it's increasingly getting on my nerves :D :D

i'm looking for something around 1k / pair....give or take a few hundred euro.
right now i'm considering the focal csm50/65, adam p11a, genelec 1031/8040 (quite a strech in my budget for the latter), as well as the dynaudio bm5a.
i'll head to a store next week and listen for myself as that's the most important part obviously, but i wonder if you guys could give me some pointers which would presumably fit my needs best? i'd put those high up on my check-out list then!
also, if you guys think i'd be better of saving up some (well quite a lot) more and get something in the 2k range like the event opals/k+h o110/adam s2x, please let me know! i'd like to be able not to worry about monitors for the next few years, but obviously my budget is not without limits :(

btw, my control room is about 4,5 x 3,5 meters, and i do have room treatment obviously.

thanks in advance!
i just bought a used pair of 1032 with a 7070 sub and all i can say that it was my best buy so far.
save your money and buy one time REALLY good monitors. your mixes will sound MUCH better.

if you don´t want high end monitors you can buy my old mackies. :lol:
oh fuck, forgot to include these adam's on my list! :D

well, i've been reading more and more (on gearslutz mind you lol), and so far the focals are really high on my list. i'm still tempted by the genelec 1031 simply for the fact that sneap's using them (i know, stupid reasoning)...i also have a friend who uses the 8050 and generally swears by the genelec 8000 series.....

thing is, transient detail and true flat fullrange representations are high up my list...on the other hand, i'd love to have something that's not fategueing, for the sheer reason that i don't want my ears to be totally shot by the end of one of these long sessions. the adam's are regulary said to be just like that though.....but then again, they're also said to be unforgiving (just like you said), and after all that's one of my main gripes with the hs80m
I think Adams just sound tooooo great, know what I mean.
Great for listening but not that great for mixing.

I got a good tip to check out monitors besides a CD of your favorite songs :)
Check out some atmo-stuff like (rain, lightning-storm, car-traffic, bar.....)
Close your eyes and dive in. If you have the feeling that you are at the scene the monitors are good for you.

I listened to some car-traffic on the ADAM S2.5 and on the Yamaha Hs80m.

The Adams totaly lost. The traffic sounded like a fucking airplain landing in front of me :)