Looking for a Music Video


Experienced Metalhead!
Sep 15, 2010
I remeber a music video from when i was younger but i only remember the video, but not the music, the song or the band. I think it was metal though.

The video was black and white, pencil drawn cartoon, it depicted a weird guy who was self mutilating himself, for exampel he put a pencil in his ear and then pushed it in the whole way into the brain with a phone....

I think it is from the 90's... Ringing any bells?
This what you're looking for?

You may want to know that the video is actually a compilation of clips from the "Lloyd's Lunchbox" videos by Spike and Mike.
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Yeah thats the one! thank u so much! i did not know that, never heard of loyds lunchbox before. i watched it when i was about ten/twelve or something like that..