Looking for a vocalist for the upcoming Mammoth EP (In Flames, Soilwork, The Unrest)

As some of you might know, I've been recording an EP for my "solo" project Mammoth. It has four songs, and the whole EP will be about 14-15 minutes long. I will release it as a free MP3 download and sell it on CD-R with DIY-covers for the price of posting, printing the covers and burning the CD, so no profit whatsoever will be made. Thus I cannot offer you any money for your efforts, only the credit for doing such a kickass favour. I've been putting an effort on learning to scream myself, but as it seems I just can't pull it off, I'm turning to you guys for help.

I'm mainly looking to collaborate with a screamer who can handle a similar style as the vocalists of In Flames, Soilwork, The Unrest and alike, but it certainly doesn't hurt if you can pull off some cleans, too. And of course it would be cool if you had adequate recording equipment or a possibility to use someone else's place to record the vocals :)

The tracking - instrument-wise - is done, but I'm still writing some of the lyrics. Once they're done, I'll make reference MIDI files to help getting the vocal rhythming and word-aligning right.

I'm uploading a sample MP3 with clips of the roughmixes of all the songs as I'm writing this. I'll post it once it's on the server.

If you're interested, it would be nice if you could post a sample with you doing vocals, so we can figure out if your style is what I'm looking for :)

Thanks a lot in advance!
Sounds awesome man! I'm not much of a screamer, but if you come up short (read: get desperate) I'll give it a shot for sure! Can't wait to hear these tracks finished, good luck
Haha, the beginning of Tainted Blood... totally sounds like Dan/Edge of Sanity^^

I can try on the clean vox, I can go low, pretty bassy or Katatonia-esque high, lately I'm also practicing a lot of that Hetfield/Sentenced-grit and am starting to pull it off pretty well, let me see if I can come up with something. Do you have any lyrics ready I could sing along to?
(BTW: Check "The Landscape of Death" and "Splinter of Evil" for singing differences).

The stuff there is VERY old and doesn't represent my actual capabilities in singing, but may be useful as a reference.
Send me a PM if you are interested :).
Whoa, never expected multiple replies for this! Thanks a lot for your interest! :)

I really digged both of your styles, excellent stuff! From the songs I heard I think The Unavoidable's style might fit a bit better for the songs on the EP, though, but it's kind of hard to say.

I uploaded the roughmix of the opening song as well as the lyrics, so you can try it out if you want to.
Here's the song: http://www.syliin.com/jarkko/mammoth/Mammoth - Free will and nine millimeters WIP2.mp3
And here's the lyrics: http://www.syliin.com/jarkko/mammoth/Free will and nine millimeters LYRICS.txt

Thanks again in advance, and be sure to let me know if you have any questions :)
I’ll have some free time to record next Monday or Tuesday. Will give it a shot by then.
Haha oh man do I feel bad! I was going to do it, then stuff got in the way, then I forgot about it, remembered it, forgot, etc

But I PROMISE that I'll do it this week! Fuck me man :lol:
Haha oh man do I feel bad! I was going to do it, then stuff got in the way, then I forgot about it, remembered it, forgot, etc

But I PROMISE that I'll do it this week! Fuck me man :lol:

Haha, don't stress it bro, there's definitely no hurry with this project :) I figured I'd rather take all the time it requires than put out something I'm not really content with.